LED Treatment

LED stands for Light-Emitting Diodes and uses coloured light to penetrate the skin and trigger the body’s natural cell processes to hasten rejuvenation and repair.

Utilising red, blue and infrared light LED is known to help improve the appearance of hyperpigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles, elasticity, acne as well as improving collagen and elastin production.


£30 - £45 per session. Often lower cost as an ‘add on’ service.

10 - 30 minutes

Treatment Time


Several months


None required




  • LED is designed to boost the healing processes of the skin using red, blue and/or infrared light. Essentially the skin absorbs the lights’ energy to repair damage and improve your skin’s healing response. Additionally, there are increased flows of blood and oxygen, which boost the natural radiance of the skin.

    LED can either be a hand held device that you hold close to the area skin you want to treat, or it can be a hood that is place over the entire face.

    The red light is for stimulating a healing response in the skin and boosting collagen, and the blue light is great for killing bacteria.

  • Apart from helping the skin to heal, LED calms inflammation, zaps bacteria, helps to fade hyperpigmentation, temporarily shrinks pore size, improves skin texture, boosts the vitality of the skin and guards against environmental damage.

  • Absolutely no. The lights can be very bright but you are given protective googles prior to use.

  • LED is safe for Black skin.

  • The actual time under the light can vary from ten to thirty minutes. Most skin professionals use LED at the end of a treatment inconjuction with another advanced services such as chemical peels.

  • Skin is usually instantly calmer and less flushed/red. Skin also appears more hydrated and radiant. Over time, the recovery from advanced treatments is also shorter.

  • After a course of 8 - 10 LED sessions, the results from LED can last several months.

    It is advisable to have booster sessions every few months.

  • Yes, home use LED masks are widely available and on the whole can be effective for either boosting the results of advanced skin treatments or maintain general overall skin health.